The sculpture is an art form that uses three-dimensional material and arrangement to tell a story or create an effect. It’s one of the oldest forms of man-made visual art, and it can be found in every culture around the world. Sculptures are made from a wide variety of materials, including wood, stone, metal, clay, and plaster. The sculptures are typically created by removing parts of the material through carving or modeling techniques, or by building the layers to form the shape with materials like plaster or clay.

A sculptor is a person obsessed with the form and the shape of things, and it’s not just the shape of any one thing, but the shape of any thing and everything.
Our all time favorites
Bronze Sculptures
Bronze Art with a Great Soft Touch of the Lost Wax Technique. Our bronze sculptures can be traced back to the famous “lost wax technique”. The lost-wax technique for casting bronze or brass idols was perfected in ancient times. From the time when the alloy was first used for tools and edged weapons, the great civilizations of the ancient world worked in bronze for art. Explore our wide range of bronze sculptures from prominent dynasties of various continents.
Wooden Sculptures
Wooden sculptures can be mapped to wood carvings, which is an ancient craft that dates back almost to the dawn of time. Wood was utilized to carve out idols of worship and beautiful artifacts by early men, who used it to produce spears, tools, and other essentials. These old wooden objects are extremely rare, making them valuable collector’s goods. The Ancient Story sells wooden carvings to collectors looking for antique wooden sculptures and other ornamental stuff.
Stone Sculptures
Genesis Imperial Arts is a renowned entity that features an array of impeccable stone sculptures. We understand the need for sophisticated and stunning Ganesha stone sculptures, hence we have maintained a wide range of collection. We are an online store and have a rich collection of carved stone pieces, sculptures in bronze and other in various magnificent materials like ivory, royal collectibles etc. We also have an abundant collection of rarest archaeological sculptures which are unique and significant and are a must addition to your collections.