The search for history is its own special journey. The hunt for trinkets and treasures, the thrill of nailing the perfect find. What better way to pass the time than with a trip to Genesis Imperial Arts? This store holds an extensive collection of extraordinary exhibits which are all historical & Archeological value. The sections vary from imposing antique bronze collectibles and exquisite tin toys, all the way up to other historic items that are so intriguing! So be sure to check it out – you just might find something that sparks a memory.

The item you saw today and want to think about tonight, will be sold later today to the people who saw it yesterday and thought about it last night!
Our all time favorites
Bronze Collectibles
With so many bronze statues and figurines, classic or decorative, there is a model to fit every space. Whether it is in the living room or a beauty salon, they all provide an atmosphere of luxury. Made by hand from high-quality bronze, with a finish that preserves the excitement of sculpture and the natural patina of time.
Tin Toys
Vintage and one-of-a-kind tin toy collections are available at Genesis. For decades, these ancient tin toys have been transferred from one continent to another across the globe. In the 1960s, the era of tin toys came to an end due to cheaper plastic and new government safety rules. So the worth of these vintage tin toys is incalculable. These toys have the ability to elicit a series of old recollections. A quick peek at our tin toy collection can bring back old memories. Our shop features a wide variety of vintage tin toys from all around the world.
Advertising Signs
Advertising signs depict vintage products in a graphical format. Porcelain enamel paint was used to create the signboards earlier. They were accustomed to loitering around the shop’s perimeter. We have India’s largest signboard collection including various vintage signboards from very well-known firms and established brands having an enormous historical value and significance. There are also various tin boxes and street signs, in addition to the signboards collection at Genesis Imperial Arts.
A watch is a portable timepiece that a person can carry or wear. We have a large selection of historical watches from well-known manufacturers in our Genesis Imperial Arts shop. Our branded timepieces come in a variety of styles, from luxury to historical watches. There is a wide range of timepieces available, from great wristwatches to old pocket watches. Vintage timepieces appeal to a wide range of people.